Free Guide


Stay Calm: Realistic self-care in your busy parenting routine

When you have "emotionally intense kids" it can be extra hard to take care of yourself...and you need it even more as it's by staying calm yourself that you'll be able to help your child manage their emotions. 

This tool is NOT a list of things you should do to take care of yourself!

Why is this?

First of all, you already know everything that would be on such a list 

Secondly It's useless ! Nobody can tell you what to do to take care of yourself, only you know

We've all tried a bunch of things we've seen on the "Self-Care for Busy Moms" lists and it didn't work, we didn't stick with it, and we didn't see any change in how we felt. Why? Because it wasn't for YOU!

This free tool will allow you to...

  • Clarify what it means to take care of YOU
  • Find the time to really do it, without guilt
  • Taking care of yourself in your daily life, even when you are with your children
  • Do it for real! (ok this step is pretty much on your shoulders but you will have the tools in hand to do it!)

Hi, I'm Anouk!👋

I'm a mom of 3 emotionally intense (and wonderful) kids, I have a master's in social work and I've been supporting parents for 15 years (and that's how long I've been a mom!). And it took me a while to be where I am now in my parental confidence! 

So now I support and mentor parents of emotionally intense kids for whom nothing in the “general parenting advice” seems to work. 

Together, we'll uncover what’s going on with your child and find solutions and ideas that work for YOU and YOUR kid(s) so things go more smoothly, you can quit feeling like you are failing at parenting in constant fear of the next outburst and feel confident in trying different things that fit your kids' needs better.

Anouk was very attentive and understanding, she had a lot of ideas to combine routine with self care. Particularly eye opening I found the idea of redefining self care and exploring what self care can mean for you when you have kids. Thanks a lot for listening and sharing your experience with me, Anouk.”

Y. N.

Anouk's class has been a blessing in disguise. What I love most about her teaching is how "real" she is about her work and what she does. Of course, the good stuff is there too, but it's nice to know that everyone (even the best) is human too!
