Simple Holiday Memories


Focus on the positive Holiday memories to connect through the intensity

Staying focused on what's really important and enjoying our kids is so hard at this time of year when everyone is tired, excited, overwhelmed! 

And we never seem to do enough, especially when comparing with families without intense kids!

The goal of this project guide it to allow you to refocus on your family traditions not matter what they are and to better enjoy that often challenging season!

This workbook will allow you to

  • Recenter the Holidays to YOUR values
  • Focus on the positives and simple moments to create great memories even in the intensity
  • Create lasting memories of your holiday traditions for years to come

Because the Holidays can be positive moments even in the intensity

What's the content exactly?

This guidebook is a photography project through the Holiday period

  1. With simple daily prompts to document the month of December 
  2. And some prompts in the project to help you slow down and focus on the positive and simple moments

What you'll receive

  • This a digital guidebook, meaning you access it online. You can also choose to print it. 
  • You'll have access to a PDF version

How you'll access it

  • You'll receive an email with the product linked in it, make sure you download it to a safe place on your computer


Is this just for people who celebrate Christmas or Christian Holidays?

No, although my photos in the guide are related to Christmas and winter Holidays because that's what I celebrate and all the photos are from my own project with my family, I am not Christian and I made sure to include nuances and ideas that can apply to any to any religions and, hopefully, yo any parts of the world. 

Staying focused on what's really important and enjoying our kids is so hard at this time of year when everyone is tired, excited, overwhelmed! 

And we never seem to do enough, especially when comparing with families without intense kids!

The goal of this project guide it to allow you to refocus on your family traditions not matter what they are and to better enjoy that often challenging season!

This workbook will allow you to

  • Recenter the Holidays to YOUR values
  • Focus on the positives and simple moments to create great memories even in the intensity
  • Create lasting memories of your holiday traditions for years to come

Because the Holidays can be positive moments even in the intensity

What's the content exactly?

This guidebook is a photography project through the Holiday period

  1. With simple daily prompts to document the month of December 
  2. And some prompts in the project to help you slow down and focus on the positive and simple moments

What you'll receive

  • This a digital guidebook, meaning you access it online. You can also choose to print it. 
  • You'll have access to a PDF version

How you'll access it

  • You'll receive an email with the product linked in it, make sure you download it to a safe place on your computer


Is this just for people who celebrate Christmas or Christian Holidays?

No, although my photos in the guide are related to Christmas and winter Holidays because that's what I celebrate and all the photos are from my own project with my family, I am not Christian and I made sure to include nuances and ideas that can apply to any to any religions and, hopefully, yo any parts of the world. 
