Easier Outings


Audio series and guidebook to help you feel confident next time you go out in public with your emotionally intense child

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Are you dreading going out the house with your emotionally intense child?

Each time you think about grocery shopping, going to a restaurant or even the park, you are sweating and your stress is rising?

Then you get there and they run everywhere, touch everything, yell, steal stuff, run away, name it...and you get all the side eyes and exasperated sighs...

Been there, done that, not fun!

This private podcast and accompanied guidebook will allow you to:

  • Feel more confident and in control of the situation next time you go out the door with your emotionally intense child
  • Make sure everyone is in the best state possible before going out
  • Know what to take with you to be prepared for anything that could happen
  • Have some easy and practical tips to apply once you're there, divided by places you go
  • And last, but definitely not least, deal with the judgment that you’ll get if(when) things don’t go perfectly as planned…as that will still happen, let’s be realistic 😉.

What's the content exactly?

There's 4 sections in the guidebook

  1. Getting ready to go out the door - how to make sure you are and they are readu
  2. List of what to take with you - to make the outings more enjoyable
  3. Tips on how to deal once there - specific exemple for different commun problematic outings (stores, grocery, restaurant and parks)
  4.  Dealing with judgment - Because it's a big part of why outings are hard for us as parents

Plus a Cheat Sheet - To print and fill out that can be used as a reminder

What you'll receive

  • A private audio access, just for you, so you can listen on the go or doing chores, anytime, anywhere.*
  • A workbook with short and specific tasks to take actions, which includes the entire content of the audio so you can access it no mater you're specific needs or learning preferences.
  • The information is 20 minutes long and you'll need a few minutes to think about stuff, so you should be able to have it done in around 30 minutes, making it really doable.

*If you're not familiar with private podcasts, that's what the audio access it. It's just like any podcast but you can't find it on any podcast app, you need to register to get access, that's what makes it private (this one's free, others are paid).

How you'll access it

  • You'll receive an email with the guidebook in it, make sure you download it or add it to your Google account
  • Once you register to the podcast, you can access it from your podcast app on your phone

Are you dreading going out the house with your emotionally intense child?

Each time you think about grocery shopping, going to a restaurant or even the park, you are sweating and your stress is rising?

Then you get there and they run everywhere, touch everything, yell, steal stuff, run away, name it...and you get all the side eyes and exasperated sighs...

Been there, done that, not fun!

This private podcast and accompanied guidebook will allow you to:

  • Feel more confident and in control of the situation next time you go out the door with your emotionally intense child
  • Make sure everyone is in the best state possible before going out
  • Know what to take with you to be prepared for anything that could happen
  • Have some easy and practical tips to apply once you're there, divided by places you go
  • And last, but definitely not least, deal with the judgment that you’ll get if(when) things don’t go perfectly as planned…as that will still happen, let’s be realistic 😉.

What's the content exactly?

There's 4 sections in the guidebook

  1. Getting ready to go out the door - how to make sure you are and they are readu
  2. List of what to take with you - to make the outings more enjoyable
  3. Tips on how to deal once there - specific exemple for different commun problematic outings (stores, grocery, restaurant and parks)
  4.  Dealing with judgment - Because it's a big part of why outings are hard for us as parents

Plus a Cheat Sheet - To print and fill out that can be used as a reminder

What you'll receive

  • A private audio access, just for you, so you can listen on the go or doing chores, anytime, anywhere.*
  • A workbook with short and specific tasks to take actions, which includes the entire content of the audio so you can access it no mater you're specific needs or learning preferences.
  • The information is 20 minutes long and you'll need a few minutes to think about stuff, so you should be able to have it done in around 30 minutes, making it really doable.

*If you're not familiar with private podcasts, that's what the audio access it. It's just like any podcast but you can't find it on any podcast app, you need to register to get access, that's what makes it private (this one's free, others are paid).

How you'll access it

  • You'll receive an email with the guidebook in it, make sure you download it or add it to your Google account
  • Once you register to the podcast, you can access it from your podcast app on your phone