What if you could get ongoing understanding support to help you lower conflict and increase connection with your kids - for only $20/month?

Do you have a child who feels deeply, reacts explosively and for whom nothing seems to work?

Your kid is intense...and you tried everything you could find, but it's just not working and nobody else gets it!

It feels so lonely!

You feel judged and powerless...

Been there, done that, not fun!

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and uncertain when it comes to parenting your emotionally intense child?

Do you often find yourself plagued by guilt, fearing that you're not doing enough to help them navigate their intense emotions?

You are not alone - Many parents face these challenges and struggle to find the right path forward.

But take a deep breath, there's hope. 

Imagine... having a clear roadmap tailored specifically to your child's unique needs and your family's reality.

Picture... feeling empowered and confident in your parenting, knowing that you are providing the support and understanding your child requires.

  • It may seem like an unattainable dream, but I'm here to tell you that it's within reach.

What if you could...

  • Understand what’s going on with your kids
  • Get a clear roadmap to support your child's unique needs
  • Stay (mostly) calm even when your child is spiraling 
  • Feel empowered and confident in parenting your emotionally intense child
  • Have a more peaceful home filled with understanding
  •  Get ride of the guilt and fear so they no longer dominate your thoughts

Introducing  Parenting the Intensity Community 

Ongoing group support for parents of emotionally intense kids

Ongoing support in a group setting to clarify and choose the right solutions for YOU and YOUR family to make parenting your emotionally intense child easier.

Share your reality with other parents who are living a similar experience as yours and get out of the box ideas and support in a safe environment.

In the Parenting the Intensity Community, we understand the daily battles you face - the fear of the next outburst or challenging situation, the confusion about how best to support your child's emotional intensity. 

I've been there too. Our group membership offers a safe space where you can connect with other parents who share similar experiences.

Together, we explore monthly themes designed to provide practical strategies and insights for parenting emotionally intense children. And I also offer bi-weekly private office hours where you can receive personalized guidance and support from me.

So, are you ready to embark on a path towards a more peaceful home?

Join us in the Parenting the Intensity Community and let me help guide you every step of the way to find solutions to your daily struggles.

Together, we can create a nurturing environment where both you and your child thrive.

 Remember, progress starts with taking that first step forward...

What's included?

Bi-Monthly Themes and Trainings

Every other month, we'll delve into a specific theme related to understanding and supporting your unique child's needs. You'll have 2 months to do everything. 

Through interactive trainings and actionable steps, you'll gain valuable insights and practical strategies to implement in your daily life. 

Goal: Gain a deeper understanding of your child and feel empowered to meet their emotional intensity head-on.

Private Group for Ongoing Connection

Our dedicated online community will serve as a safe space for ongoing connection and support.

You'll have the chance to connect with other parents facing similar challenges, share experiences, ask questions, and receive encouragement from both myself and fellow participants.

Goal: Feel supported, understood, and less isolated as you connect with a community of like-minded parents who are on the same journey.

 Individual Chat and Audio Office Hours*

Twice a month, you'll have the opportunity for private one-on-one support with me, where we can address any specific concerns or topics you may not feel comfortable sharing in the group setting. 

These personalized days will provide tailored guidance and support to help you navigate challenging situations effectively.

Goal: Overcome feelings of guilt and fear by receiving personalized guidance and support from an experienced mentor.

*Those are like chatting with a friend, you have access to me for an entire day of back and forth whenever you have time and I answer when I can, it allows for it to fit in your day no matter what you do that day. 

Courses, Workshops and Tools

Gain access to a range of resources designed specifically for parents of emotionally intense children:

These resources will equip you with practical strategies and techniques to navigate challenging situations with confidence. You'll go through them together using the monthly themes (see below).  

Goal: Develop effective coping mechanisms, set boundaries, and strengthen your co-parenting skills.


Bi-Monthly themes

  • January-February: Understand YOUR child
  • March-April: Feel Confident in Parenting Your Emotionally Intense Child 
  • May-June: Stay Calm When Your Child is Not 
  • July-August: Help Your Child Calm Down 
  • September-October: Connect Through the Intensity
  • November-December: Navigate the holidays - Dealing with Judgements

You might wonder if there's live Zoom meetings?

There's none. Why? Because you, like me, are really busy and joining anything live is super hard. It's also basically impossible to find a time that works for everyone's schedule and time zone. 

So I decided to offer everything in a super flexible way. That way you won't miss anything, you can always do things on your own time and catch up. 

The bi-monthly office hours individual support by chat and audio are on specific days, but they are going on for 24h so still very flexible. 

By creating a safe and judgment-free space where you can really feel accepted and understood, even if you never experienced that before, and have the support to move forward in a confident way, and refocus on yourselves and your children to make your family decisions,  

because we are the only real expert of our kids!

Anouk was a very understanding guide during this challenge. She created a safe space to share our thoughts, feelings and questions. Her presence was very calming. Everyone was allowed to participate in their own way/pace. No guilt, no pressure. The exact opposite of what a normal parenting day looks like. Thank you for this, Anouk.


And now, before you say: ''But I feel like I'm totally failing, I don't want to share that in a group, I feel ashamed!''

I want to say: Yes, and YOU'RE FAR FROM ALONE! 

And the wonderful thing with coming together with other parents who feel the same way is that you realize:




  • And as much as I love supporting parents individually
  • And as much as I can share MY experience in raising emotionally intense kids
  • Other parents sharing their experience and you relating to their stories again and again is SO MUCH MORE POWERFUL that just me doing it!
  • That being said, there's individual support included too, so that you have a space for the things you REALLY don't feel confortable sharing in the group

    It's the most affordable way to get direct access to support from me. And if you want more you'll get a special offer for just that by being in the membership. 

    “I really enjoyed the call with Anouk. We were chatting, laughing, exchanging experiences… I love how she can create a joyful, warm and safe space to interact. It felt like a coffee date with a friend!
    She was very attentive and understanding (...). Thanks a lot for listening and sharing your experience with me, Anouk.”


    Who's offering this?

    Hi, I'm Anouk Brière-Godbout!

    I mentor and support parents of "emotionally intense kids" for whom nothing in the “general parenting advice” seems to work.

    Everything I do center's on supporting you to meet your emotionally intense kid’s specific needs and yours as a parent. I believe real change happens when both are supported together, in a judgment-free space.

    My focus is on helping you build confidence in your parenting to reduce conflicts and deepen family connections.

    I have a Master's degree in Social Work,

    I've been supporting parents for more than 16 years and I've been a mom for just as long.

    I now have the chance to work with you, parents of emotionally intense kids, those who are great, sweet, intelligent, curious kids (most of the time) but who also feel everything deeply and react explosively

    Hope you join me and other parents so we can break the stigma of being "that parent" and feel more peace, connection and calm in our everyday family life. 

    "I had a one hour private session with Anouk and it was fantastic!

    Anouk has a great mixture of being approachable, down-to-earth and professional. She is very intuitive and knowledgeable and had great practical tips for me to tackle the challenges I am experiencing with my 2 children.

    I would highly recommend a session with Anouk. She had insight which I had not ever even contemplated myself.

    Thanks so much Anouk!"



    ONE PAYMENT A YEAR- Limited spaces available 


    Payment plan available


    MONTHLY PAYMENTS - Limited spaces available

    "Anouk (...) is very intuitive and knowledgeable and had great practical tips for me to tackle the challenges I am experiencing with my 2 children.
    She had insight which I had not ever even contemplated myself.
    Thanks so much Anouk!"

    -C. M.


  • If you pay the yearly access and after 30 days in the group it’s not for you, you can ask for a complete refund  (no matter if you payed in full or in monthly payments). 
  • If you pay monthly, you can stop your membership at any time so it doesn’t renew
  • FAQ

    Is this group program right for me if I have a toddler, tween, teen, etc

    This membership is specifically designed for parents of preschooler to teens. Most toddlers will have intense reactions that are normal in their development.

    When it continues passed 3-5 years old we then consider that there might be a need for different kind of support.

    I don't have time, how long does it take?

    Oh, how I understand you! We are all so lacking in time as parents, especially with challenging kids! Hopefully by participating in the membership you'll get some time back from fights and discouragement in your life. Maybe not in the first month, let's be honest, change takes time, but it should come. 

    • Everything in this program is build for you to have the time to do it, no live elements at specific times of the days. 
    • The monthly themes are during the entire month so you have the time to get the content in and apply it in your life. 
    • The chat and video office hours will be an entire 24h twice a month and that can easily fit in the cracks of your days. 
    • The Facebook group is there for you to participate as much or as little as you want, I encourage you to take full advantage of it but it's your choice of course 
    • The workshop, courses and tools are for you to do at your own pace, or during the monthly themes (they will all be covered over the course of the year).  You have access to them all as long as you are a member of the community and if you stay an entire year you keep access on an ongoing basis after that year is over no matter if you decided to leave or stay. 

    How long do I have access to the group support?

    • If you get the yearly access (no matter if you pay in full on in 3 monthly payments) you have access for a year starting at the date you joined. 
    • If you pay monthly, you'll have access to everything as long as you remain a member
    • You get access to the workshops, courses and tools that are available when you are a member as long as you are a member. 

    Can my partner/other parent participate too?

    Absolutely ! There is no additional charge for the 2nd parent or partner.

    What if I need more individual support during the process (or before or after)?

    Is the program based on scientific data?

    The program as it is has not been studied scientifically because I've just developed it. However, it's based on scientific data drawn from the systemic approach, the theory of empowerment, therapeutic photography and the narrative approach, as the main intervention approaches which have all been studied in recognized universities and still are, and which are used in the field in social work in particular but also in other disciplines.

    Can you explain how the clear roadmap provided in this program will help me better understand and meet my child's unique needs?

    Sure! The roadmap is not something that is build before you joined and the same for everyone because every child is different and every family has their reality, values and priorities. 

    The membership will help you build your own roadmap based on your unique child needs, your specific situation, your values and capacities at the moment and feel confident in following that roadmap even when things are hard and when others are questioning your choices. 

    How do you ensure that the content is accessible and easy to understand?

    Every workshop, course and program has an audio and/or video version, captions on the video and a workbook with the entire transcript. If you have additional learning needs, feel free to contact me so I can do my best to accommodate. 

    And you don't need to know anything specific about child development or emotional intensity before you join, all the informations you need will be included. 

    How long is the program, and will I have lifetime access to the resources and materials?

    • You can join the entire year or only month by month based on what theme is most relevant for you. So the length depends entirely of your needs with a 30 days minimum. 
    • You have access to all the tools, workshops and courses as long as you are a member of the community
    • If you stay an entire year, you keep ongoing access to all the tools, workshops and courses  after that year is over, no matter if you decided to leave or stay. 

    I have other questions...

    I will be happy to answer them. I'm always the one who reads everything but still has questions, so I completely understand. You can email me at info@momentsfamille.ca
