Hi, I'm Anouk 👋
Like you, my experience of parenthood has not been a smooth one
When my older ones were little, I so often felt overwhelmed, like I would never get my head above water and constantly doubted my skills as a mom and was yelling way more then I wanted to.
I tried everything but nothings was working. I looked like I had it all together from the outside, but I was struggling daily, dealing with my kids intense emotions and I didn't know our experience was not what everyone else's was experiencing, I thought it was "normal parenting" and I was just failing...
Does that feeling resonates?
It took a while before I felt I had some sort of control over it all. But I've managed to do it, or at least I now have the resources and knowledge to get us back on track more quickly when things get out of hand.
You're not failing at parenting
You just don't have the right tools for YOUR child
It's very different!
I slowly changed my expectations of what parenting was and what was suppose to work with my kids.
Being the mother I was trying to be, and parenting my kids the way they "should be" parent was not working, unrealistic and definitely not positive for my children or myself.

I stopped looking at everything out there about parenting and started looking at my kids instead.
Focusing on them, who they are, what they like, what their needs are.

I was also lucky that during those years, I started my master's in social work, focusing on the transition to parenthood and learned A TONE.
I also worked for more than 16 years with parents of mostly "out of the box" kids.
And I could see the same things again and again: mainstream parenting was not working for them either.

Do I do it all the time? Absolutely not, I'm human!
I get sidetracked by so many things on a daily basis and I easily fall back into the same paternes.
And being a focused, calm and patient parent all the time is not possible in our messy and intense daily lives anyway.
But I keep observing them, being present, focusing on connection and trying new things, even if it looks weird or even sometimes absurd from the outside.
And it works
Being intentionally present, aligning my parenting with my REAL kids needs is my parenting goal, my parenting approach. It's my way of being the best version of myself for my children.
It might not fit with any mainstream parenting approche but it's what works for us.

✨It's my way of giving them the space and support they need to develop in their own way.
✨To be fully accepted as they are.
✨And to foster family connections through the intensity.
You deserve that too...

Anouk was a very understanding guide. She created a safe space to share our thoughts, feelings and questions. Her presence was very calming. Everyone was allowed to participate in their own way/pace. No guilt, no pressure. The exact opposite of what a normal parenting day looks like.
Thank you for this, Anouk
- Y. N.
My mission is to support parents of emotionally intense kids (like me) for whom nothing in the “general parenting advice” seems to work.
So that no other parent feels as lost as I was for too many years.
Together, we'll uncover what’s going on with your child, what they need, and find solutions and ideas that work for YOU and YOUR kid(s)
- So life goes more smoothly,
- You can quit feeling like you're failing at parenting in constant fear of the next outburst
- And feel confident in trying different things that fit your kids' needs better.
So that you can also parent your kids based on their REAL needs, while taking yours into account
No matter what everyone else is telling you to do

"I don't talk about it much because it doesn't feel like my story to tell. But one of my kids is especially spicy. She has anxiety, a lot of trouble emotionally regulating and difficulty with sleep (although that sounds like an understatement).
Regular parenting advice has always left me feeling so defeated, and like I've failed. She just doesn't respond to that sort of stuff.
In chatting with Anouk I've come to realize it's not me. It's no my kid. It's the parenting tips for typical kids just don't fit her.
We've seen doctors, psychologists and social workers but very few have been much help.
In talking with Anouk I've felt so seen for the first time!"
- K.S.
A few fun facts about me so you can get to know me a bit more...

- I'm deeply curious about people and I strive in understanding them
- I'm an empath but I don't cry easily...unless someone's done something to support difference and social equity in any shape or form, then I will tear up each time
- I'm a photographer and, with yoga, it's the main way I practice mindfulness (yes, for real)
- I'm a homebody, I always prefer to invite people in than go out (and get overwhelmed by my guests 😅)
- I have a tone of food sensitivities (faster to tell you what I can eat than what I cannot😜)
- I'm a podcast junky (and host), no way I can learn by sitting at a computer...I fall asleep 🫣
- I have a passion for scarves, it's not uncommon for me to be in sandals with a scarf... probably floral!
- Oh and I'm french Canadian (so you'll see typos, mistakes and can spot my accent) 🇨🇦

Taking care of ourselves is not selfish, it's the only way we can take care of our children
And be available for them in the midst of their intense emotions
Want me to speak at your event or be a guest on your podcast?

Official portrait and bio - Can be used to introduce me for events and collaborations
Anouk Briere-Godbout (I don't mind if you mess my name, I know it's a complicated one in English 😉, to help you a bit, the T is silent)
I'm a mom of 3 emotionally intense kids, I have a master's in social work and I’ve been supporting parents for more than 15 years (and that's how long I've been a mom!) and I host the podcast Parenting the Intensity.
I now support parents of emotionally intense kids for whom nothing in the “general parenting advice” seems to work so they feel confident in trying different things that fit their kids' needs better.